
The solution depends on the problem.
With data strategy and creative direction I lead teams and companies to design the right thing.
With Ops and scaleable practice I empower teams to design (and build) it right.


  • Systems Thinking
  • Design Thinking
  • Agile
  • Lean UX


  • Service Design
  • Customer Experience Design
  • User Experience Design
  • Interaction Design


  • Research & Strategy
  • Data Science & AI
  • Digital Ethics
  • DesignOps


Six years in tech. Four years consulting internationally in custom software.
Startup to Fortune 500, across industries and lines of business. My expertise lies in experience design, with greatest depth in medical, financial, and enterprise solutions.


  • Workshops
  • Design Leadership
  • Digital Transformation
  • Client Decks & Proposals

Deep Dives

  • Medically Regulated Devices
  • HIPAA Compliance
  • GDPR Compliance
  • WCAG Compliance
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