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Transforming digital skills with real 'work' experience.
Introducing collaboration early and often with cross-discipline touch-points and BrainStation's first cross-discipline lecture.





The Problem Opportunity

Each cohort I observed a remarkable transformation in UX students. What I also observed was the separate disciplines coming together for 3D - a hackathon with Data, Design, Development. Each discipline had been heads down in their specialization for 10 weeks, and while completely necessary, it meant a cross-discipline hackathon where collaboration was an unknown.

In student feedback, communication and collaboration appeared as pain-points across all 3 disciplines, with some requests for a PdM to mitigate. This led me to wonder HMW... make the unknown known... cross the disciplines... teach a common language

Student (customer)


The idea

Cross-discipline touch-points.

At the end of Summer 2019, we synthesized student feedback and discussed the opportunity to iterate on 3D.

In education, I defined the overlap between disciplines, identifying opportunities for cross-discipline lectures and guest lecture topics. While innovation in core curriculum was in the works, we kicked off with some quick wins in additional programming.

Begining Fall 2019, in partnership with the experience team, we introduced three syncs to enhance cross-discipline communication and collaboration, and prep students for 3D.

  • Meet the different disciplines
  • Explore overlap and what collaboration might look like
  • Practice workflow and handoff

Winter 2020 I designed and led BrainStation's first cross-discipline lecture , including a hand-off lab between Design and Development.

Outcome & Next Steps

While I would love to speak to the quantitative data (I would if I could), this quote was memorable in summarizing the qualitative sentiment.
"I can't imagine doing it cold like before..."

Of course, design is never done, so there are minor refinements to be made, and many next steps to prioritize. In my design backlog, some cross-discipline education opportunities I hoped to explore:

  • Design systems and tools (eg. Storybook)
  • Research, personas, and cluster analysis
  • Information communication and data visualizations
  • A/b testing and canary releases
  • Digital ethics

An Unexpected Delighter

With V1, I saw cross-discipline friendships forming. While this wasn't one of the initial objectives, it became one. Not only could this enhance the student experience, it created an opportunity for students to graduate with an even larger network and community.